It feels appropriate to celebrate our strength and inner warriors as our daily lives and routines are disrupted. Warrior II is a pose deeply rooted in Hindu mythology named for a fierce warrior avenging his wife. This pose is great to promote stamina, courage and leg strength.
Sanskrit Name: Virabhadrasana(veer-uh-buh-drahs-uh-nuh)
The How:
- Begin at the top of your mat standing in mountain pose (standing up tall, arms by side, long spine, feet shoulder width apart), turn to your left
- Exhale
- Exhale as you step feet 4-5 feet apart, heels aligned and raise arms parallel to the floor reaching them actively out to the side, shoulder blades wide and palms facing down
- Right foot turns to 90 degree angle, facing the top edge of the mat
- Pivot your left foot slightly inwards, at a 45 degree angle
- Lift through the arches of both feet, while rooting down through your ankles
- Check in with your arms, should be at shoulder height, parallel to the floor, palms down and reaching out through the fingertips
- Exhale bend your front knee, align knee directly over ankle of front foot.
- Sink hips low bringing your front thigh parallel to the floor, make sure shin stays vertical and knee doesn’t go past your ankle!
- Press down through the outer edge of your back foot, keep back leg straight and engaged
- Turn your gaze across the tip of your right middle finger
- Draw belly in toward your spine, torso opened
- Hold for 1 minute, smile, breath and embrace your inner Warrior!
- Repeat on the other side
Tight hips? Shorten your stance and straighten your front leg to a degree that is comfortable until you gain more flexibility
Shoulder or arm injury-place your hands on hips
Deep hip opening pose
Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
Stretches the groins, chest, lungs and shoulders
Stimulates abdominal organs
Increases stamina
Relieves backaches
Therapeutic effects for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility and sciatica