
Sanskrit Name: Prasarita Padottanasana I 

This pose is one of my all time favorites! You will notice that this pose gets into both legs at the same time and gives you that oh-so-delicious stretch that most of us so desperately need after hours of sitting at our desks. The wide-legged forward fold is a wonderful pose to increase flexibility and is also an inversion as you lower your head and heart below your hips. Because of the combination of the deep stretch and the mild inversion this pose is also known to be very calming, a great pose to take whenever you are having a particularly stressful day and want to take a wellness break. 

The How: 

Stand with your hips squared off with the long edge of your mat, step your right foot away from your left, about 4-5 feet. Ground through all 4 corners of your feet, bring your hands to your hips, lengthen through your torso, exhale slowly fold forward, hinging at your hips, release your hands place them flat on the floor, bending your elbows. Pause here, take notice of how you feel, if you feel any pain or pulling use a block under your hands, or take a slight bend through your knees. Draw your belly in and up.

Make sure your leg muscles are engaged, allow the crown of your head to reach down to the earth, close your eyes, smile and soak up this stretch. Stay here for 5 full rounds of breath, focus on each inhale and each exhale.


  1. If you have tight hamstrings or pain in your lower back use a block to bring the ground up to you and rest your hands or your forearms on the block
  2. Bend your knees slightly if you feel any rounding or tightness in your back
  3. Grab your big toes or ankles for a deeper stretch
  4. Bring your arms behind your back, interlace your fingers and press palms together, pull shoulder blades together for a nice stretch through your arms and shoulders



Improves digestion

Promotes relaxation

Opens hips

Relieves stress and anxiety