
August Newsletter

“The only way out is through.” ~Robert Frost
Hi Friend,
I recently took time off so this newsletter is coming out a bit late in the month (OK A LOT late), but better late than never! I spent a few weeks road tripping north and spending much needed time in nature, traversing to western North Carolina, hiking, kayaking, camping and river dwelling. Campfires, rushing rivers singing me to sleep, lush green mountain-side meadows, starry dewy nights, wrapped in the moisture and the comfort of the cool mountain air. Dipping toes and immersing bodies into cold, crisp river water, all these things I was fortunate to soak up over the past 2 weeks. Much needed food for the soul, and now I come back to Bloom Burst, to being a business owner and a yoga teacher reinvigorated and contemplative.
We are entering into a natural time of transition as our summer season is rolling into fall bringing cooler weather, shorter days and longer nights. Following the natural rhythm of nature allows us to connect to something much bigger than ourselves and our immediate sphere, reminding us that we are all interconnected despite our differences.
As natural and necessary as transitions and change are it is often difficult to embrace big life shifts. I chose this month’s headlining quote “The only way out is through” purposefully as it is a quote that has carried me through the darkest and most challenging parts of my journey. I will never forget the deep pain of my Dad’s cancer journey that ultimately lead to his death. There was suffering, treatment, hope, love, and eventually his passing. This was a dark journey for me and for many close to him; it wasn’t without moments of deep happiness and deep sadness. I do consider myself lucky to have not experienced such pain or heartache until the age of 36, however there is no light without dark, the Yin and Yang of life can be so sweet and so painful.
If I can be candid for a minute, there is a moment when you realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that your loved one is dying and dying soon, the battle is over, there is no more hope and you have to do the hard things, live through the unimaginable. Nothing will ever prepare you for this. I distinctly remember thinking “I don’t know how to do any of this, I don’t how to lose my Dad and I don’t know how to help someone die.” In this moment I wanted to squeeze my eyes tight, click my heels three times and fast forward to an easier, happier time. I didn’t want to go through ALL the hard stuff, I didn’t even know how to, and then in this quiet moment of despair this quote came to me “The only way out is through”, and I held it closely and dearly as my mantra. It reminded me in the most challenging moments that we can’t go over, we can’t go under, we can’t fast forward, rewind, or teleport ourselves to skip over the process of the change, the transition, or the dark parts. We have to go through it, to come out on the other side wiser, kinder, more understanding, and compassionate.
Going through is the only option, and in fact it is what life is all about. I wouldn’t be sitting here working on this newsletter if I hadn’t gone through the hard times, it gave me the courage and the passion to follow my dreams. I cherish the transition that took place within me as a final gift from my Dad to push past fear and take the leap into the unknown as an entrepreneur.
Collectively the world is in the process of transition and we all have to go through it, we all have lessons to learn and these are not easy lessons. I do believe that we will come out on the other side of this challenging time as a better society, with a deeper understanding and appreciation for what is really important.
Let’s do the work, let’s go through the transition following along with the changing of the seasons because the only way out is through. Lift your heart up and offer love and healing to those that need it most.
Holding closely to our hearts the notion that the only way out is through and finding comfort in this mantra will give us strength as we embrace change.
Sending you love, light & health,