
Virtual Weekly Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes!  Weekly recurring donation based virtual Zoom yoga classes: All levels vinyasa flow *Join me every week for virtual yoga! Check back weekly for updates to the schedule, schedule is subject to change. 1 Zoom Link for All Virtual Yoga Classes, same link,...

May Yoga Classes & Events

Yoga Classes!  Weekly recurring donation based virtual Zoom yoga classes: All levels vinyasa flow *Join me every week, same days, same times! Simply join the class by using the Zoom links below, no registration necessary: Monday 6pm-7pm:...

Yoga Pose of the Month: Corpse

Sanskrit Name: Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna) This is the king of relaxation poses and admittingly one of my absolute favorite poses in yoga. Laugh if you will since this pose is passive and mostly comes at the end of a yoga practice as a final relaxation pose, but...

Private Virtual Yoga Sessions

Deepen your practice and schedule your private virtual session today! If yoga is calling to you during this time, I am offering virtual private yoga sessions for up to 2 people at $35 per hour. A recording of the session is also provided so that you can continue to...

Recommended Reading During Quarantine

As our quaran-time continues we have a lot more time on our hands to crack open a book and expand our minds, or at least dive into a juicy novel. Now is the perfect time to explore new books and escape into an imaginary word- filled world. I have compiled a...

Simple & Delicious Peanut Sauce

I promise when I use the words simple and delicious that this sauce manages to embody both of these definitions simultaneously. Most of these ingredients are staples in our kitchen cupboards and the sauce can be whipped up on a weeknight within minutes and drizzled...