Welcome February! As we move into the 2nd month of a new calendar year there is plenty of opportunity for growth and expansion. We tend to associate February with the dark days of the winter season as well as a time to celebrate romantic love with Valentine’s Day arriving mid-month. With all of the emphasis on romantic love that this holiday pushes on us, it is a great time to re-evaluate and focus on exploring self-love. Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself, having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness, taking care of your own needs, and not sacrificing your health and well-being to take care of others. Whether or not you are involved in a romantic relationship self-love is a relationship that needs to be nurtured and cultivated, living a healthy life means taking a whole-body/whole-mind approach nourishing ourselves with nutritious food is only a small piece of this puzzle.
A few suggestions to deepen your self-love:
- Mindfulness-Tune into how your body feels, thoughts that you are having and take a few mindful deep breaths to reconnect your mind-body awareness. People who have more self-love tend to know what they think, feel, and want.
- Take breaks from your work day to move or stretch-Focusing on what your body needs is a simple act of love.
- Make room for healthier habits-ditch the phone and take time to do something creative
- Practicing good self-care. You will love yourself more when you take better care of your basic needs. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, healthy eating habits, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy and healthy social interactions.
- Set healthy boundaries-This can apply to many different areas of life, boundaries with relationships, setting boundaries with your time spent on social media or streaming content. The more space you create in your life to be quiet and still or to engage in stimulating activities for you body and mind the healthier you will be overall.
Finally, to practice self-love, start by being patient, kind, gentle and compassionate to yourself, the way you would with someone else that you care about.
This month I am offering many opportunities for self-love in the form of wellness services and events. I am excited to begin offering a monthly event “Community + Connection: A Monthly beach gathering to connect and heal” that will occur on the 3rd Thursday of every month. This recurring session is meant to give you a space to be authentically yourself while strengthening connections or forging new ones as we gather on the sand for a healing movement and sound session.
February 2, 07:00pm-8:30pm: Soul Reset: Fiery Femininity-Cacao ceremony, fiery yoga, breathwork, gong sound bath and fire ritual.

February 12, 10:00am-11:30am: Take Paws: A Slow-Flow Yoga practice at The Cat’s Meow Café (60-minutes of yoga, 30 minutes dedicated to playing with the cats!)

February 17 , 5:30pm-7:00pm: Monthly Community + Connection: A Monthly Beach Gathering To Reset & Heal

February 19, 10:00am-11:30am: Take Paws: A Slow-Flow Yoga practice at The Cat’s Meow Café (60-minutes of yoga, 30 minutes dedicated to playing with the cats!)