
Merry & Bright

I am standing in the open window feeling the cool breeze blow 

It is cool in Miami today with a blue bird  sky

The big tree is flowering and dropping purple flowers, blanketing the ground

Adding little pops of vibrant color to the green landscape

I take a deep breath in. I breathe out. 


This is what it means to be alive, this moment right here.

There is nothing else. Pause. Take it in. 

Oh there it is, the present moment, the only place we should ever reside. The place that we so often are trailing away from. 


Stay here, stay here, right here, there is nothing else. Just this perfectly cool, breezy moment staring at the beauty of the flowers gently rocking in the wind before they fall to the ground to become one with the earth again. 


Nature has such a beautiful way of showing us the circle of life, it is right before our eyes if we want to bear witness to it, to learn we just have to pay attention. 


Breathe in. Breathe Out. Stay right here, stay in the present. 


Merry and Bright is a common greeting you may hear during the holidays or see splashed across brightly lit signage as you drive around town. What if you aren’t feeling Merry and Bright right now? It is very possible that this year you just aren’t feeling that sparkle of the holiday spirit coursing through your veins. We are deep into the holiday season while the pandemic continues to rage on and I am feeling a whole host of emotions as I am sure you are. 

Maybe you are in the holiday spirit, the house is fully decorated, and you are busy planning holiday menus, wrapping gifts and rocking out to your holiday soundtrack. Or maybe you just aren’t feeling it this year (no one can blame you for this!), you are not able to be with family due to the circumstances and it has you feeling not so great. Maybe this is the first holiday season that you have canceled the usual big family gatherings leaving you feeling a little empty. It is OK to not feel OK, it is also OK to feel great! Honor yourself exactly where you are, whatever you are feeling is ok. 

I know this year has been weird, it may be the only year we ever experience something quite like this. I sure do hope so! Although a lot of things are out of our control, we can control what we choose to focus on. I invite you to focus on the good in your life and the good in the world as we close out this year and head into 2021.  Take the time to consciously reframe your thoughts and focus on the good things that happened this year no matter how small. Allow this positivity to lighten your heart and bring happiness into your days, and maybe, just maybe you will feel a little familiar spark of Merry and Bright! 

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year! With love, light, and positivity let’s embrace the new year together!