Welcome to spring! The season of emergence, of rebirth, a time for growth, and new beginnings.

Today in the northern hemisphere we are welcoming the spring (vernal) equinox, this astrological event marks the first day of spring. This means that the sun will rise and set roughly 12 hours apart during the equinox, we will have mostly equal hours of light and dark today. In short, this is a special time that needs to be celebrated!
This is a powerful time in the natural world because tomorrow is also a new moon, both of these events converging at once makes for a powerful transitional time in nature and in the lives of humans!
Fun fact: Did you know that according to the astronomical calendar today, the spring equinox, is actually considered the New Year? Astrologists have always used March 20th to mark the beginning of a new year, and it wasn’t until 1582 that Pope Gregory XIII created the Gregorian calendar, so that Easter could be celebrated on the “right” day. Just a tiny history lesson for you if you didn’t know!
Back to the important topic at hand: Celebrating and honoring the spring equinox! As humans we lived outside in the natural world for hundreds of thousands of years, we lived according to the natural world and our planet’s seasons. We rose with the sun, we went to bed with the moon rise and the darkness enveloping us, we ate what the earth provided according to the season, and we were deeply intertwined with the “more than human world” in every way possible. We looked to animals for knowledge, signals, and even communication about our surroundings.
Now more than ever we are experiencing a nature deficit disorder, as we are living, working, playing, sleeping and eating inside. We are connected to screens the majority of the day and are experiencing a disconnection from the very planet that we belong to. This is leading to a rise in depression, anxiety disorders and ever-increasing sleep issues.
The spring equinox is a perfect time for rebirth, to begin something new and create a fresh start.
Just as nature is thawing from the dark, cold winter months you too can change with the seasons and mark this time as an intentional fresh start.
Spring is the season of growth where we begin to see trees bursting with green, flowering plants begin to push up from the soil, and birds start to sing their fresh spring songs. If you tune into this shift in the natural world, you can harness really powerful changes in your own life.
As a mindful nature coach, I like to keep daily wellness rituals simple and attainable, recognizing that your life is busy, but you do need to carve out time for self-care and improvement. Connecting to the natural world is proven to reduce anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and help you connect with your intuition.
Allowing yourself to get quiet and to connect with something bigger than yourself opens up new areas of awareness and empathy.
Here are 3 nature-centered rituals to welcome the spring equinox:
1. A mindful nature walk-walking with awareness, leave the phone or your smartwatch (or any wearable device!) at home, and connect with your 5 senses as you walk. Pay attention to each step you take, how it feels on each foot, breath in and out through your nose as you tap deeply into the senses. Stay present and mindful on your walk, walk slowly and with intention, walk as if your feet are kissing the earth.
-Sight-what can I see? (Sky, canopies of trees, birds, clouds, other animal friends)
-Sound-what can I hear? (Birds talking/singing, rustling of leaves, flow of water, wind, any other animal sounds?)
-Touch-what can I touch? (Trees, leaves, grass, bark of trees, flowers)
-Smell-What can I smell? (The air, fresh cut grass, stop to smell flowers blooming, rain, water)
-Taste-Do NOT eat random elements of nature this can be an unsafe practice! If you are knowledgeable about plants, you can safely taste, but I advise against this. If you have a garden or are in an area with a shared garden, you can safely eat the freshly grown herbs and vegetables!
2. Planting seeds of intention-This is a beautiful ceremony and a symbolic way of welcoming a rebirth in your life.
– Choose seeds/seedling of your choice
– Supplies needed-pot, soil, seeds/seedling, small piece of paper and pen
-Spend 5 minutes in silent meditation (preferably outside or near a window), in this silence ask for your soul’s guidance on birthing new intentions.
-After your 5-minute meditation write your intention/s on the slip of paper
-Plant your intentions (slip of paper) in the bottom of the pot, cover with soil, add seeds/seedling to the pot
-Water your freshly planted seeds and intentions, as the spring season unfolds you literally get to watch your intentions bloom!
3. Nature sit spot & journaling–This practice is known to inspire a sense of wonder and awe! Pick a spot outside that really calls to your soul, kick off your shoes (if it is warm enough), sit on the ground and let your body ground into the earth beneath you. Stay in your “sit spot” for 5-10 minutes, eyes open, no phone, no distractions. Tune in deeply to the world unfolding and living right in front of your eyes, breath in and out through your nose and let your entire body relax. After you meditation is over, pick up your journal and freely write any thoughts that come to you. Do not censor yourself, this is your practice of deeply connected to the natural world around you.
Spring is upon us my friend, and with this season we welcome a fresh start. Choose just 1 of the above nature-centered practices to deeply align for this season of change and rebirth.
If you are looking to go deeper into sacred rituals, I am offering a FREE 3-Day Sacred Ceremony workshop on March 28-30th, and I would love to have you join me on the journey.
“The purpose of life is to
make your heartbeat
match the heartbeat of the
-Joseph Campbell