
Virtual Workplace Wellness & Yoga Sessions

Schedule weekly virtual wellness sessions for employees as part of your reopening plans to help ease the emotional impact and to ensure everyone is finding their way back to a new normal. These sessions are an easy and cost-effective tool to help your employees cope with stress and anxiety. The ability to login from anywhere and take a wellness break helps to lower anxiety, relieve stress, and reset from the busy day.

Why virtual wellness sessions for your employees?

As we slowly reopen and return to the workspace during these unprecedented times employers are entering uncharted waters, from the logistics and rules of implementing new safety practices to supporting their employees not only physically but mentally. Stress levels are at an all-time high with global uncertainty, homeschooling, record unemployment and social norms being upended. Recognizing that one size does not fit all, there is a lot of uncertainty that leads to high levels of stress as we continue to live with a global pandemic. Your reopening practices are unique to your business, customers’ needs and employees; offering virtual sessions to your employees is a simple and effective tool for managing stress, fear, uncertainty, and burnout. Everyone’s lives have been altered and/or directly impacted by Covid-19, some people may have lost loved ones, know someone who was sick from the virus, know someone who is struggling from job loss and income loss, with the new reality of our world it is important to keep wellness at the forefront of your reopening plan.

Virtual Wellness Services & Rates:

It is recommended that you offer 1 virtual session weekly for a minimum of 1-month, custom built packages are available, and all programs can be tailored to your company’s specific wellness goals.

It is recommended that any wellness session be a minimum of 20 minutes:

20-minute sessions: $45

30-minute sessions: $65

45-minute sessions: $85

For booking or questions contact Katie Doyle at Katie@Bloomburstlife.com or 786.531.4388.

Choose from a variety of classes:

Yoga Flow

Chair Yoga

Deep Relaxation

Guided Meditation

Gentle Stretch & Reset

Watch for signs of emotional stress in employees and colleagues:

  • Changes in work performance or productivity
  • Missed deadlines
  • Calling in sick frequently
  • Absenteeism
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty adapting to or accepting change in workflow or routine

For best practices and the latest CDC recommendations can be found here