
Sanskrit Name: Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna)

This is the king of relaxation poses and admittingly one of my absolute favorite poses in yoga. Laugh if you will since this pose is passive and mostly comes at the end of a yoga practice as a final relaxation pose, but savasana is just as important and challenging as a bird of paradise or headstand depending on your mental state.

In corpse pose we symbolically “die” to our previous ways of thinking and doing entering a state of blissful neutrality. I can’t stress the importance of this pose enough after your yoga practice allowing your body time to process the benefits and information it received from the yoga practice (asana). Other times you may need to find stillness and relaxation; completely allowing yourself to let go this pose is always available to you.

 The How:

  1. Lay down on your back (preferably on a yoga mat for optimal comfort)
  2. Align the body, two sides of you body are resting evenly on the floor
  3. Legs are straight as wide as the mat, let your feet drop open
  4. Arms at your side resting about 6 inches away from your body, palms up
  5. Close your eyes
  6. Let your breath occur naturally
  7. Body should feel heavy on the ground
  8. Consciously release every body part, organ and cell
  9. Relax your face, let eyes drop deep into their sockets, invite in peace and silence
  10. Sink into stillness, staying in savasana for at least 5 minutes and up to 15 minutes


  1. Use an eye pillow or towel to cover eyes
  2. Place a bolster or blanket under knees for more support


Savasana relaxes your whole body

Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension

Improves concentration

Cures insomnia

Relaxes your muscles

Calms the mind and improves mental health

Excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation