
February Newsletter!

Our monthly newsletter that gives you practical healthy living tips, inspirational advice, seasonal recipes & a snippet of nature! Read February’s Newsletter! Click here! Quote of the month:  “Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the...

Composting 101: Tips for Composting Newbies

Composting 101: Tips for composting newbies Composting sounds intimidating and messy but with a few quick tips you can be up and running and saving the world in no time. I can attest to this because I myself am a composting newbie having started my compost to enrich...

Tree Pose Breakdown

Tree Pose: Used to promote balance and centering Sanskrit Name: Vrksasana (vrik-SHAH-suh-nuh) The How: Begin standing with feet together your inner ankles and knees should be touching-hands by your sides, also known as Mountain Pose Feel a straight and steady line of...

Bringing weekly yoga to CykleJab!

Weekly classes begin Wednesday, March 11! To learn more about CyklJab visit their site here! Wednesday| 8:15PM-9:15pm Yin Yoga, unwind after your day and your workout, you can melt into this restorative slower paced practice that is designed to increase circulation...

Recipe: Simple Savory Baked Sweet Potato

What is there not to love about a sweet potato? I am a sucker for a sweet potato in any form, they are versatile, filling, satiating and good for you! This highly nutritious root vegetable is a great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that are rich in...

Master Your Chair Pose Today!

The How: Begin standing with feet together, toes touching, heels slightly apart Hug knees in towards each other to create a strong foundation, ground through the 4 corners of your feet Exhale as you bend your knees and bring your buttocks behind you as if you are...

5 Tips for a Digital Cleanse

A new year, heck a new decade is upon us, hello 2020! With the dawning of a new year we all tend to focus on how to improve our habits and our lives; with our increasing usage and reliance on tech your soul maybe screaming for a little digital cleanse. Technology has...